Throne Of Grace

"Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16 Selwyn Hughes said of grace, "Grace is God's kindness bestowed upon the undeserving; benevolence handed down to those who have no merit; a hand reaching down to those who have fallen into a pit. The Bible bids us to believe that on the throne of the universe there is a God like that." J. Vernon McGee goes on to say, "We can speak freely to the Lord Jesus Christ. I can tell Him things that I cannot tell you. He understands me. He knows my weaknesses, and I might just as well tell Him. He is God, and I come to Him in worship and with reverence... I can tell Him what is on my heart. I can open my heart to Him." What a blessing that God Almighty is also a God of mercy. Praise God for blessing us with grace which we do not deserve, and for His mercy after we trust Christ as our Savior, in not giving us what we do deserve which is eternity in hell.